Practice Coding problems on Heaps

Practice Problems on Heaps
  1. Max Heaps
  2. Min Heaps
  3. Priority Queues - Max / Min 
  4. Heap Sort (Out of place / In place) 
  5. Check if a given array represent min/max heap or not
  6. Check if a given binary tree repesents min/max heap or not
  7. Print all the elements in sorted order from row and column wise sorted matrix
  8. Convert max heap to min heap in linear time
  9. Find kth largest/smallest element in a given array
  10. Merge ‘k’ sorted lists each containing ‘n’ elements
  11. External merge sort
  12. Huffman coding
  13. Convert BST to min heap 
Extended (Advanced)

  1. Sort numbers, such that each number is stored in a different machine
  2. Number of ways to form a heap with ‘n’ distinct integers
  3. Smallest/Largest derangement of sequence
  4. Print all the nodes less than value ‘x’ in a min heap
  5. Leftist Heap
  6. Median of stream of running integers
  7. Binomial heaps
  8. Connect n ropes with min cost


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