
SDE/SDET Interview questions that will ramp-up your interview preparation

Note : These questions might help you ramp-up your speed in path of preparing to SDE /SDET interviews in most techie companies. 
 SDE - Software Development Engineer
 SDET - Software Development Engineer in Test 
  1. Heap - Max Heaps and Min Heaps
  2. Conversions : Decimal ,Binary, Hex, Octal (All other possible combinations) 
  3. 90 Degrees Matrix conversion
  4. Quick Sort + Applications
  5. Merge Sort + Applications
  6. Remove duplicates in a String -- In place
  7. Reverse a string - Inplace
  8. Decide if 2 strings are anagrams or not ?
  9. Binary Search
  10. Reverse SLL without using any extra nodes
  11. Maximum Sub array [Kadane Algorithm]
  12. Find an element which is repeated more than n/2 times in a given set/array. [Moores Voting algorithm]
  13. Find and element in rotated Binary sorted array
  14. Implement power function without pow() function
  15.  Verify if given linked list is circular/cyclic or Acyclic. Follow up can be to indicate the starting point of cycle
  16. Implement Blocking queue
  17. Find a pair in array that will sum up to particular number
  18. Reverse a double linked list
  19. Reverse pairs in SLL. i.e I/P : a->b->c->d->e->f O/p : b->a->d->c->f->e
  20. Segregate even and odd nodes in a given linked list
  21. Addition of 2 linked lists to separate one. (also learn inplace)
  22. Convert SLL in to DLL (XOR based linked lists)
  23. Circular shift an array of integer input array by 'k' number of elements
  24. Search for a given pattern in text [Rabin Karp Algorithm]
  25. atio() and itoa() implementations (ASCII to integer and Integer to ASCII)
  26.  Binary Semaphores 
  27. Generate subsets of given set of integers
  28. Generate all permutations of a given string
  29. Level order Traversal
  30. Inorder successor of a given node in BST (Binary Search Tree)
  31. Find 'k' largest /smallest elements in a given array (Hint : can use heaps)
  32. Heap Sort + applications
  33. Find minimum length unsorted sub array on which storing them makes complete sorted array
  34. Search if a given pattern exists in input text using Suffix Arrays
  35. Re-arrange a string so that all same characters are 'd' distant apart
  36. Knights tour problem
  37. Rat in Maze [Back tracking]
  38. Find out if two rectangles overlap or not
  39. Find closest pair of points in the given plane
  40. Find all subset of elements in the given set whose sum equals to a given target
  41. Compute x^y such that it can work for floats and negative values
  42. Find median of  given two input sorted arrays
  43. Find total no of zeros in a given array of 1's followed by 0's
  44. Find if there is any sub array which sums up to zero
  45. Count number of inversions in a given array
  46. Find minimum element in a rotated sorted array
  47. Find the fixed point in the given array
  48. Find the maximum sub array sum [D&C]
  49. Count # of occurrences of a number in the sorted array
  50. Find the max and min element in a given array with minimal number of comparisons
  51. Check if a number is multiple of 3 or not ?
  52. One line function to check if a number is power of 2 or not ?
  53. Function to multiple a number by 7.
  54. Function to multiple two numbers without using * product operator
  55. Function to write Fibonacci series in iterative manner
  56. Generate all prime numbers less than or equal to n [Sieve of Erastho..]
  57. Given a number, Find the next biggest palindrome number
  58. Implement logic for fair coin from biased coin
  59.  Check if a number is divisible by 7 without mod operator
  60. Find all the possible words from a phone keypad
  61. Lexicographic sort of permutation of all words
  62. Shuffle a given array / deck of cards [Fisher Yates Algo]
  63. Reservoir Sampling Algorithm
  64. Select 'k' random elements from 'n' elements
  65. Given a number 'n'. generate a pascal triangle out of it.
  66. Write an exponential precision function [Taylor series]
  67. Generate all prime factors of a given number
  68. Generate all possible combination of 'r' elements in a given array of size 'n' [Probability Distribution Function]
  69. Length of Longest common sub sequence of given sequence of numbers
  70. Find minimum cost path in a given cost matrix
  71. Total # of solutions in a coin change problem
  72. Find binomial co-efficient
  73. Knap-sack standard problem
  74. Egg-Drop standard problem
  75. Length of longest palindrome sequence
  76. Palindrome Partitioning
  77. Maximum Length of chained increasing pair
  78. Find the middle of given linked list
  79. Check if a given Single linked list is a palindrome or not
  80. Insert/Delete/Search in max heap
  81. Implement sizeof() operator
  82. Find successor of given BST
  83. Find all triangle triples in given array
  84. Find lowest common ancestor of a given node
  85. Return a single element by knocking out all other elements by 'k' [Josephus]
  86. Given a sorted skewed binary tree, Create a BST out of it.
  87. Given an array with integers, Output all the elements which were repeated exactly twice
  88. Maximum depth/height/diameter of a given tree
  89. Serialize and De serialize a given binary tree
  90. Find single repeated or non-repeated number in conditional list. (XOR)
  91. Implement "diff" in linux
  92. Program to count # of set bits in a given integer.
  93. Convert BST to doubly linked list
  94. Convert integer to String without .toString()
  95. GCD of two numerals
  96. Given an array in post order traversal, check whether the given array is in BST or not
  97. Reverse the words in a given English sentence
  98. Get the median of a stream of large numbers
  99. Print all the paths of a given Binary Tree from root to leaf
  100. Modify array such that arr[i] == arr[arr[i]] Inplace
  101. Find the missing number in a billion number list
  102. Bit wise addition

Keep watching for more !!!


  1. could you please provide links that may have solutions to these?

  2. Very informative article.Thank you author for posting this kind of article .

    Both are really good,.

  3. can u provide solutions please

  4. good question summary.
    can u pla provide solutions in JAVA ?


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