Enable SSL/TLS on your website
Enable SSL/TLS on your website using keytool
"keytool" command helps you to drive through the complete process of enabling SSL/TLS for your website. I will be talking only JKS (Java Key Store) which can be used for Java based servers like apache tomcat...
These steps should get you going :
This should ask you bunch of questions like : keystoreFirst name, last name, Organizational unit, Organization, City or Locality and 2 digit country code.
The above step should create a file named 'mykeystore.jks' in the directory you specified. In my case, its /home/me/mykeystore.jks. You can list the contents of this JKS file via 'keytool' command by executing below:
keytool -list -keystore /home/me/mykeystore.jks
keytool -certreq -alias my_alias -file /home/me/cert.csr -keystore /home/me/mykeystore.jks -sigAlg SHA1withRSA
This command should ask you for the keystore password. Just enter the password you used in the step #1.
The above step should create a file named 'cert.csr' with "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST------" and "-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----" tags.
If you are planning (probably) to obtain a signed cert, then you need to submit this CSR to providers like : verisign, symantec etc. You need to pay some money to them for them to sign it (Visit provider website to get clear instructions). Once they sign it, you will get a signed certificate. The signed certificate file will have a .cer extension. Lets call the cert obtained as verisigned.cer
After you obtain the signed certificate, you need to add it your keystore (i.e /home/me/mykeystore.jks). The keytool can help you to import it.
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias Intermediate -keystore /home/me/mykeystore.jks -file intermediate.cer
Note : intermediate.cer is obtained from providers like verisign, symantec etc.
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias my_alias -keystore /home/me/mykeystore.jks -file verisigned.cer
Finally, you can confirm the list of contents in your key store. You can use the same command mentioned in step #1 :
keytool -list -keystore /home/me/mykeystore.jks
The above command should list you all the imported certificates.
We can enable SSL via server.xml config file for tomcat. The server.xml is usually present at : $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml
An example :
<Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
port="443" minProcessors="5"
connectionTimeout="60000" debug="0"
scheme="https" secure="true">
<Factory className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteServerSocketFactory"
clientAuth="false" protocol="TLS"
Restart Tomcat server to reflect SSL. You should now see a SSL certificate when you visit your website at https://
"keytool" command helps you to drive through the complete process of enabling SSL/TLS for your website. I will be talking only JKS (Java Key Store) which can be used for Java based servers like apache tomcat...
These steps should get you going :
1. Generate a key pair - private and public key(cert) along with Keystore (JKS file)
keytool -genkey - alias my_alias -keyAlg RSA -keystore /home/me/mykeystore.jks -keysize 2048This should ask you bunch of questions like : keystoreFirst name, last name, Organizational unit, Organization, City or Locality and 2 digit country code.
The above step should create a file named 'mykeystore.jks' in the directory you specified. In my case, its /home/me/mykeystore.jks. You can list the contents of this JKS file via 'keytool' command by executing below:
keytool -list -keystore /home/me/mykeystore.jks
2. Generate a CSR - Certificate Signed Request for existing keystore (JKS)
keytool -certreq -alias my_alias -file /home/me/cert.csr -keystore /home/me/mykeystore.jks -sigAlg SHA1withRSA
This command should ask you for the keystore password. Just enter the password you used in the step #1.
The above step should create a file named 'cert.csr' with "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST------" and "-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----" tags.
If you are planning (probably) to obtain a signed cert, then you need to submit this CSR to providers like : verisign, symantec etc. You need to pay some money to them for them to sign it (Visit provider website to get clear instructions). Once they sign it, you will get a signed certificate. The signed certificate file will have a .cer extension. Lets call the cert obtained as verisigned.cer
3. (2 step process) Import Certificates in to your keystore
After you obtain the signed certificate, you need to add it your keystore (i.e /home/me/mykeystore.jks). The keytool can help you to import it.
3.1 Import Root/Intermediate CA:
One important thing to note is that before you add the verisigned.cer (the signed certificate received from provider) to our keystore, you need to add their ROOT CA or also called as CHAIN certificate to our keystore. This should be available from their public website. For example in Symantec, you can download from here.keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias Intermediate -keystore /home/me/mykeystore.jks -file intermediate.cer
Note : intermediate.cer is obtained from providers like verisign, symantec etc.
3.2 Install signed SSL certificate:
You should now import the signed cert (verisigned.cer) in to the same key store.keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias my_alias -keystore /home/me/mykeystore.jks -file verisigned.cer
Finally, you can confirm the list of contents in your key store. You can use the same command mentioned in step #1 :
keytool -list -keystore /home/me/mykeystore.jks
The above command should list you all the imported certificates.
4. Use the JKS in your tomcat application server
We can enable SSL via server.xml config file for tomcat. The server.xml is usually present at : $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml
An example :
<Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
port="443" minProcessors="5"
connectionTimeout="60000" debug="0"
scheme="https" secure="true">
<Factory className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteServerSocketFactory"
clientAuth="false" protocol="TLS"
Restart Tomcat server to reflect SSL. You should now see a SSL certificate when you visit your website at https://
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