Interesting Problems
- Find the minimum length of unsorted array to make the whole array as sorted
- Rearrange a string such that all the same characters be atleast 'd' distant apart from each other
- Check if a given number is prime or not
- Generate all the prime factors of a given number
- Find the longest common subsequence of two strings [DP]
- Find the longest common substring of two given strings
- Find the longest substring with all distinct characters possible
- Find the longest common prefix in a given set of strings
- Find the longest palindromic Subsequence of a given string
- Find the longest possible palindrome in a given string
- Find the maximum sum increasing Subsequence
- Find the longest increasing subsequence
- Find the longest bitonic subsequence
- Find the longest consecutive subsequence
- Find the longest repeated subsequence
- Find the longest increasing path in a given matrix
- Find the longest increasing path with difference of 1 in a given matrix
- Find the smallest string that contains all the characters in other string.
- Find the sub array continuous sum equal to a target
- Find the largest sub array with equal number of 0's and 1's.
- Find the largest sub array with 0 sum
- Find the largest continuous sub array
- Find the largest continuous product sub array
- Verify if a string 't' is a subsequence of another string 't'
- Find a subset in given list of integers, that adds up to a given target value
- Check if you can partition an array of integers such that their sums are equal
- Find the next largest element of an element in right of array
- Find the minimum cost path from a given cost matrix, to reach from [0,0] to [m,n]
- Find the maximum sub square matrix of 1's in a given binary input matrix
- Find the sub matrix sum given x,y and p,q
- Find the maximum sum of a sub matrix in a given matrix
- [R] Egg Drop Problem
- Find the maximum number of 1's in a bit string 1110100100111 such that you are allowed to flip only m times
- Josephus Problem
- Modify/Relocate an array such that a[i] becomes a[a[i]]
- Program to count number of set bits in a given integer
- Generate all valid parenthesis of size 2n, given n
- Convert a decimal to a roman numeral, limit less than 4000
- Implement inorder traversal without recursion - Morris
- Merge two BSTs with limited extra space - Use stacks + iterative order
- [R] Wild Card pattern matching . ? *
- Find the repeated element in a sorted array
- Find the maximum possible sum between any two leaf nodes in a binary tree
- Program to check if swapping of one value make two integer arrays equal
- Given an integer array, Find if it can be divided such that sum of every pair is divisible by 'k'
- Detect a cycle in a directed graph
- Topological sorting of given nodes and their dependencies
- Minimum distance between a source and all its destinations - Djikstra
- Count number of Islands
- Find minimum number of swaps required to sort an integer array with a range.
- Find the number of strongly connected components - KOSARAJU
- Find the shortest path from a source to destination in a binary Matrix
- Find if a path exists between 1-> 2 via 3, 0 - a blocker. 1 : source, 2 : destination in a matrix.
- Delete the middle of linked list, Given only the middle node pointer
- Rectangular Histogram Problem
Good information..