Enable SSL/TLS on your website
Enable SSL/TLS on your website using keytool "keytool" command helps you to drive through the complete process of enabling SSL/TLS for your website. I will be talking only JKS (Java Key Store) which can be used for Java based servers like apache tomcat... These steps should get you going : 1. Generate a key pair - private and public key(cert) along with Keystore (JKS file) keytool -genkey - alias my_alias -keyAlg RSA -keystore /home/me/mykeystore.jks -keysize 2048 This should ask you bunch of questions like : keystoreFirst name, last name, Organizational unit, Organization, City or Locality and 2 digit country code. The above step should create a file named ' mykeystore.jks ' in the directory you specified. In my case, its /home/me/mykeystore.jks. You can list the contents of this JKS file via 'keytool' command by executing below: keytool -list -keystore /home/me/mykeystore.jks 2. Generate a CSR - Certificate Signed Request for existing...