
Showing posts from July, 2018

Killer Problems

Quick sort - Inplace partition AtoI and ItoA conversion Base conversion problems Verify if all the characters in a given string are unique or not Remove all the duplicates in a given string - Linked HashSet insertion Sort  Merge Sort Binary Search - recursive and non-recursive Stack - Datastructure - PUSH, POP, PEEK Queues - DataStructure - INSERT, REMOVE, ... Circular Queues - " LInked Lists SLL Linked Lists DLL Linked List XOR based LL  Concatenate two linked lists Reverse a SLL Reverse a DLL Circular SLL Lowest Common ancestor if an any given two nodes 2 sorted arrays of non-repeating integers. Find min(abs(x-y)) Maximum value of continours sub sequence Kadane Algorithm Given repeated sorted array and a number, Tell its first and last idex  Reverse the words in a given sentence Find an element in rotated binary sorted array Find an element that is repeated more than n/2 times Implement power function (a)b Check if a given linked list is c...